Industry Leading
Technology, Near
Infinite Capabilities

You don’t become leaders in industrial robotics without a little bit of know-how.

At every step of our journey, we’ve had to solve countless new and exciting problems. Leveraging our managing team's +80 years of experience servicing the mining, minerals and energy industry, we’ve created the infrastructure to support the future of industrial automation. From our domain expertise in long-range sensing to creating verbose digital twins, we’re confident that we can deliver world-class solutions to any challenge.

Technological solutions for the future of industrial robotics.

Computer Vision

Across multiple industries, we've successfully implemented long-range, high-accuracy perception solutions leveraging the latest in LiDAR technology. Our algorithms combine multiple sensor data into a cohesive world model in real-time, delivering centimetre accuracy perception of the surrounding environment.

Computer Vision Inquiry

Digital Twins

Our 3D digital twins cut demonstration and deployment time from months to days, protecting your valuable operational uptime. By replicating assets in a 3D environment, any number of complex, high-risk scenarios can be predicted with high confidence. The result? Better insight and better business decisions.

Digital Twin Inquiry

Retrofit Solutions

Our solutions are designed to retrofit into brownfield environments, integrating into terminal operating systems and crane controllers. Extend the value and efficiency of your capital assets with step-change operational improvements, and out-compete in your region by servicing your customers faster and more consistently.

Retrofit Solution Inquiry

Pilot Programs

When your problem doesn’t have a solution, our Pilot Programs deliver ground-breaking innovation to make it possible. A tailored combination of our solutions, capabilities and domain expertise delivers a solution to any automation challenge. With our Pilots, AMLab is your partner in innovation.

Pilot Program Inquiry

A Solution
Tailored to You

Require something unique? We can extend our position measurement, key feature identification, obstacle detection and control algorithms to your use case. Get in touch to see what we can create together or explore our other solutions.